Sustaining Heritage Access through Multivalent ArchiviNg
InConTec participated as a consortium member in the SHAMAN project, a research and development project of the 7th Framework Program, in which technologies and software were be researched and developed for the long-term preservation of electronic documents and artifacts of any nature. The purpose of this project was to transform electronic documents of each kind into neutral data formats (means independent of the application, which has originally created those documents), enrich them with adequate metadata to finally archive them in appropriate databases with the goal to access and modify them even after decades with then available applications.
Beside for libraries and archives these technologies are of interest resp. necessary or even mandatory for companies, whose products reach life-times of 10, 20 or even more years (defense, vehicles, medical equipment, aerospace) and/or whose quality certifications (e.g. ISO 900x) even force them to long-term preservation for liability reasons.
Manifold Preservation Capabilities
The SHAMAN Project has been implementing three use cases in three different domains. This has been made to show that long-term preservation can be performed with an identical preservation framework in various domains.
Libraries & Archives

Based on a use case of Medical Publishers the German National Library congress booklets and library books from different sources are archived together with their respective automatically sourced meta data
Engineering & Design

Engineering and design data, such as data sheets, component specifications, 3D J-T assembly models and other design documents have been acquired from a PLM system and archived in the Long-term Preservation Archive
Science & Archives

Measurement data from sensor systems describing the behavioral health of a composite rock-fill dam have been ingested and archived to allow inspection and long-term observation of the dam's stability
Preservation in Engineering and Design
InConTec has been concentrating in preservation technologies connecting commercial PLM systems with established preservation systems. The systems chosen to demonstrate those capabilities have been ARAS as PLM system and iRods as preservation archive.

Engineering data such as data sheets component data and design data get normalized to enable the ingest process. The normalized data are archived in a Long-Term Preservation archive . The user is able to search for the artifacts stored in the archive and can access the selected data using the Multi-Valent Browser technology. This browser supports - beside pdf - all office, audio and video formats and the CAD visualization format J-T.
More about this project
If you like to experience more about the SHAMAN project, please visit the project website by cklicking on the project logo or view the Engineering use case video on YouTube
For additional Information
Please call +49 2932 4294664