Publications regarding Long-Term Preservation
Motivation and Challenges for Digital Preservation in Design and Engineering
Towards support of long-term digital preservation in product life-cycle management
Literature regarding ECAD-MCAD Collboration

ProStep iViP Recommendation: ECAD-MCAD Collaboration
Available at with license fee for download
Research in Europe
Partnership between European research institutions, academia and industry is a fundamental driver of innovation and market success for the economic well behavior of Europe.
The combination of long lasting industrial practice know-how, scientific background, innovation needs and enterpreneurial spirit establishes the right atmosphere for success.
Since several years InConTec partners with other European institutes and companies to contribute with its know-how to the success of research and innovation projects
EU co-funded Projects
InConTec has a long lasting record in research operations. The projects just finished or still in progress are the following:
These projects have received funding from The European Union's Seventh Framework Program for research, technological development and demonstration starting from 2008.
InConTec's contributions focussing on:
- Market research
- Requirement Analysis
- Development
- Quality Assurance
- Dissemination
- Exploitation
- Project Management
More about the above mentioned projects you find on our web-page in the Research section.
For additional Information
Please call +49 2932 4294664